Organizational structure of Grodna Pharmacia RUE:
- manadgement department;
- pharmacy warehouse;
- control and analytical laboratory;
- 15 pharmacies of the first and second categories of Grodna, Skidziel with subordinate pharmacies located in the city of Grodna and the Grodna district;
- 16 central district pharmacies with subordinate pharmacies located in cities and rural areas of the Grodna region.
Manadgement department
General director
General management of the enterprise as a whole and effective interaction of all its structural divisions.
Deputy general director
Organization of pharmaceutical activities of pharmacy organizations of the region, control over the work and expansion of the pharmacy chain.
Deputy general director, head of drug supply and competitive purchasing
Organization of work on the procurement and drug supply of the population and health organizations.
Department of drug supply and competitive purchases
Organization of work on the procurement and drug supply of the population and health organizations.
Information and reference department
Organizing and conducting training activities to improve the professional and educational level of pharmacy workers; public information on the availability of medicines and pharmaceutical goods on the pharmaceutical market of the region; introduction of new drugs into the medical practice, entering the pharmacy chain, conducting work with the population on the formation of a healthy lifestyle.
Department of accounting and reporting
Carries out the formation of information about the activities and property status of the enterprise, the income and expenses incurred, the use of material, labor and financial resources, the prevention of negative economic results and the identification of reserves of its financial stability.
Organizational and pharmaceutical department
Control over compliance with the pharmaceutical order and sanitary and hygienic regime in pharmacy organizations of the region. Organizing and conducting activities aimed at improving drug care and improving the culture of serving the population, improving the pharmaceutical order in pharmacies, and increasing the professional level of specialists.
Planning and economic department
Analysis of financial and economic activities and economic development strategy aimed at the financial sustainability of the enterprise. Work on engaging in the economic turnover of unused property of an enterprise: renting and gratuitous use, write-off, auction sale, gratuitous transfer, privatization of residential premises, etc.
Department of information technology
Organization, administration and configuration of local computer networks in various departments of the enterprise, installation of computer and office equipment, network software, creation of a single information space and comprehensive automation of all structural divisions of the enterprise.
Personnel service
Formation of a single personnel policy of the enterprise.
Legal service
The use of legal knowledge to ensure high performance of the enterprise, the development and implementation of measures to prevent crime.
Control and auditing group
The main task is to monitor compliance by structural divisions with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
Lead safety engineer
Fulfillment of increasing requirements for proper working conditions, reduction and elimination of adverse production factors.
Energy engineer
Work to ensure stable electricity and heating, the introduction of energy-saving measures.
Engineering team for the repair of buildings and structures
Bringing the existing pharmacy buildings to a technically sound state, adapting the work of pharmacies to modern conditions, creating safe working conditions, ensuring the stable functioning of all systems, and implementing state programs.
Secretary of the reception manager
Work on organizational and technical support of administrative and regulatory activities of the head of the organization; accepting incoming correspondence to the head, transferring it in accordance with the decision to structural units or specific performers for use in the work process or preparing answers; record keeping, various operations with the use of computer equipment designed to collect, process and present information in the preparation and decision-making. Forms cases in accordance with the approved nomenclature, ensures their safety, and within the set time limits transfers to the archive.
Head of office
Provides timely processing of incoming and outgoing correspondence, its delivery to destination. Supervises the timing of execution of documents and their correct execution. Organizes the work of registration, accounting, storage and transfer to the relevant structural units of the documents of the current office work, including orders and instructions of the management.
Pharmacia warehouse
The main task of the pharmacy warehouse is the uninterrupted supply of pharmacies, health care institutions and other organizations with high-quality, effective, affordable domestic and foreign medicines, medical products.
Control and analytical laboratory
Control-analytical laboratory is engaged in quality control of medicines and pharmaceutical substances.